![]() 大員美果菜生產合作社 Dayuan Mei Fruit andVegetable Production Cooperative 本社場成立於民國99年,有別於以生產及運銷模式運作的傳統合作社,本社結合多元教育訓練指導社員生產、行銷技術及以安全健康為訴求的正確管理理念; 本社直營農場約1公頃、輔導農場約30公頃,主要以生產溫室巨峰葡萄為主,另有番茄、南瓜、無花果、百香果、芒果、番石榴及蔬菜,以上產品多數通過產銷履歷驗證或有機驗證,讓消費者買得安心、吃得健康。 Our cooperative operates a self-owned farm of approximately 1 hectare and provides farming guidance towards cooperative farmers covering around 30 hectares. We primarily produce greenhouse Kyoho grapes and also cultivate tomatoes, pumpkins, figs, passion fruit, mangoes, pomegranates, and various vegetables. Most of our products have passed Taiwan Good Agriculture Practice (TGAP) or organic certification, ensuring that consumers can purchase safely and consume healthily.Our cooperative was established in 2010.Unlike traditional cooperatives that operate based on production and marketing models, our cooperative combines diverse educational training to guide members in production, marketing techniques, and correct management principles with a focus on safety and health. 官網連結https://www.fcrm.com.tw/site/dymcoo |
![]() 壽米屋企業有限公司 Rice House Universal Co.,Ltd. 臺灣頂級米專賣 TOP RICE TAIWAN 二林是臺灣越光米的故鄉、位於濁水溪流域,土壤富饒和氣候適中,壽米屋是臺灣最早導入農民契作栽培管理的碾米廠,與700多位農民組成「大橋稻米產銷專業區」,首創產、學、銷一條龍管理模式,產出傲視全台、品質優異的臺灣特色米,也是政府評鑑第一、獲獎無數的越光米! TOP RICE TAIWAN - Premium Rice from Taiwan Erhlin, located in the basin of the Choshui River, is the hometown of Taiwan's Yeh Kuang rice. With fertile soil and moderate climate, Rice House is the earliest rice mill in Taiwan to introduce farmer-contracted cultivation management. Together with over 700 farmers, it forms the "Daqiao Rice Production and Marketing Professional Zone," pioneering an integrated model of production, education, and sales. This initiative produces Taiwan's distinctive rice, renowned nationwide for its superior quality. Yeh Kuang rice has consistently topped government evaluations and received numerous awards. 官網https://www.rice-house.com/?lang=zh-TW |
![]() 萬金畜牧場 Wanjin Livestock Farm 萬金畜牧場,是專業的養雞農場,生產無抗生素、不用藥、肉質鮮美健康的優質雞肉,而且還有客製化服務。 農場設備是全台灣最先進的德國全自動機器,獨一無二的兩階段獨一無二的兩階段不用藥飼養方法——就為是讓家人吃到無抗生素、不用藥、肉質鮮美的健康雞肉。 Wanjin Livestock Farm is a professional poultry farm specializing in the production of high-quality chicken meat that is antibiotic-free, medication-free, and known for its freshness and healthiness. Additionally, we offer customized services to meet specific needs. Our farm is equipped with state-of-the-art German fully automated machinery, making it the most advanced one in Taiwan. We adopt a unique two-stage medication-free feeding method to ensure that families can enjoy healthy chicken meat that is free from antibiotics and medications while maintaining its delicious taste. 官網https://www.rockg.tw/categories/soundgood |
![]() 洽富實業股份有限公司 Charming food. 洽富實業延續母公司福壽實業「提供全民健康安全的食糧」的企業使命,以「打造食安一條龍」,「啟動從農場到餐桌的信賴工程」為使命,戮力讓洽富氣冷雞成為消費者餐桌上肉品的首選。 有鑑於食品安全事件頻傳,「食品安全」已成為國際及台灣消費者所關注的議題,洽富實業以長期契約的方式與農民合作,從種雞、飼養到健康管理全程管控,確保良好的源頭管理。 Continuing the corporate mission of its parent company, Fwusow Industry, which is to "provide safe and healthy food for all," Charming food is dedicated to creating an integrated food safety system. Our mission is to initiate a trust project from farm to table, striving to make Charming food Air-Chilled Chicken the preferred meat choice for consumers. Given the frequent occurrences of food safety incidents, "food safety" has become a major concern for both international and Taiwanese consumers. Charming food collaborates with farmers through long-term contracts, ensuring full control over the entire process from breeding, raising, to health management of the chickens, thus ensuring excellent source management. 官網https://www.charmingfood.com.tw/ |
![]() 藍藻蝦生態漁莊 Tai Hou Biotech. Co., Ltd. 本著良心與良知,我們想與您共同創造一個安心食用的鮮蝦環境,藉由藍藻 與生態養殖的方式來加強白蝦的抵抗力與鮮甜度,避免使用藥物及抗生素來 治療蝦病,是我們養殖的初衷。 With conscience and ethical awareness, we aim to collaborate with you increating a safe environment for consuming fresh shrimp. Our approach involves utilizing blue-green algae and ecological farming methods to enhance there sistance and sweetness of white shrimp. Our primary goal is to avoid the useof drugs and antibiotics in treating shrimp diseases, reflecting the original intention behind our aquaculture practices. 官網https://reurl.cc/82gR0g |
![]() 臺中市大安區農會 Taizhong Da’an DistrictFarmers’ Associations 臺中市大安區濱臨台灣海峽,由大安溪與大甲溪沖積而成的扇型平原, 在雙溪交流所形成肥沃的沙壤土質與海風的滋潤下,所生產的青蔥, 口感與香氣更勝宜蘭三星。芋頭香鬆可口,品質媲美系出同門的大甲。 「大安酒莊」用在地食材精釀的系列酒品是品酒人士的最愛, 於1988年成立的「大安肉品市場」更是台灣優質豬肉的主要來源。 Located in the Daan District of Taichung City, adjacent to the Taiwan Strait and formed by the sedimentation of the Daan River and the Dajia River, this fan-shaped plain benefits from the fertile sandy loam soil created by the interaction of the two rivers and the nourishment of sea breeze. The scallions produced here boast a flavor and aroma superior to those from Yilan's Sanxing. The taro, aromatic and delicious, rivals those from Dajia in quality. The "Daan Winery" offers a series of meticulously crafted wines using local ingredients, favored by connoisseurs. Established in 1988, the "Daan’s Pig Auction Market" is a major source of high-quality pork in Taiwan. 官網https://reurl.cc/NZ7gQ9 |
![]() 池上鄉農會 Chi-shang Farmers’Association 本鄉盛產水稻,並以池上米聞名全台,隨著蟬聯三屆全國稻米品質競賽總冠軍、 數度榮獲全國十大好米、精饌米獎、百大精品獎、日本米食味評鑑金賞獎、 外銷日本等事蹟,本會「池農米」品牌逐漸進入全省各大型連鎖通路, 並為全國國民所熟知。為提高農民收益、提高糧食自給率並有效調節水稻產量, 更陸續開發出米副產加工品糙米麩、米餅、米香、米可樂果、玄米茶等熱銷商品, 受到全國消費者的肯定與支持。 This township is abundant in rice production and is renowned throughout Taiwan for its Chihshang rice. With consecutive victories in the National Rice Quality Competition for three terms, as well as multiple awards such as the Top Ten Good Rice in Taiwan, the Fine Cuisine Rice Award, the Top 100 Premium Products Award, and the Gold Award in Japan's Rice Taste Evaluation, along with exporting to Japan, our "Chihshang Farmers' Rice" brand has gradually entered major chain stores across the province and become well-known nationwide. In order to increase farmers' income, improve food self-sufficiency, and effectively regulate rice production, we have also developed popular processed rice products such as brown rice bran, rice cakes, rice snacks, rice cola balls, and brown rice tea. These products have been widely recognized and supported by consumers nationwide. 官網 https://www.csfa.com.tw/ |
中央畜產有限公司 Zhong Young Livestock 中央畜產 - 以生產肉豬為主的專業一貫化養豬場,自配飼料、養母豬、生小豬、肥育肉豬出售等。為擁有最優秀的種豬來源,民國九十五年成立裕興第一種畜場,並從瑞典、英國、丹麥、加拿大、美國...等國,每年進口優良種豬,除提供本場使用外,也推廣給國內養豬場。 隨著經營環境的改變,為提升競爭力,降低飼料成本,於民國九十八年成立中興農畜有限公司,專門從美國進口玉米、黃豆。隨著國際原物料價格大幅提升,為調配品質更佳、消化率更好的飼料,於民國九十八年底開始興建中央飼料廠,採用最先進的設備,調配品質更好的飼料,以提升競爭力。 Central Livestock is a specialized integrated pig farm primarily focused on pork production. It manages all aspects of pig farming, including self-produced feed, sow breeding, piglet production, and the fattening and sale of pigs. In order to have the best breeding pig sources, the Yuxing First Livestock Farm was established in 2006. It imports excellent breeding pigs from countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Canada, the United States, and more, providing them for use in the farm and promoting them to domestic pig farms. As the operating environment changed, and in order to enhance competitiveness and reduce feed costs, the Zhongxing Agricultural and Livestock Co., Ltd. was established in 2009. It specializes in importing corn and soybeans from the United States. With the significant increase in international raw material prices, to adjust for better quality and digestibility of feed, construction of the Central Feed Factory began at the end of 2009. It adopts the most advanced equipment to produce higher quality feed, there by enhancing competitiveness. 官網 https://www.pigbaby.com.tw/main/Products.aspx?c_id=c0000012 |
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