
AMOT協會為推廣溯源餐廳的品牌,除在國內以辦理多元活動和餐廳聯合行銷宣導方式,讓更多國人知道溯源餐廳中有些食材來源是選用在地的產銷履歷或有機食材外,更加強推廣聯合國SDGs 12.3「永續消費及生產」的目標,透過溯源餐廳使用這些溯源食材,可以促進農民們逐漸放棄傳統多元用藥的農作習慣,迎合市場需求,加入重視環境生態的產銷履歷或有機農法生產行列,讓國人外食可以有更多機會吃到安全溯源又兼顧生態的優良食材。

今年雙十國慶,AMOT團隊應外交部邀請前往荷蘭參加全球社企論壇 (SEWF23)展示溯源餐廳外,更有幸入選台灣亮眼社企,在上百位國際佳賓面前,發表AMOT在台灣推動十年溯源餐廳的成果,讓國際友人認識台灣溯源餐廳的推動實質上對氣候變遷和生態永續有著淵遠影響,也正是餐飲業實踐ESG理念最佳的永續政策之一。


To promote the brand of “Traceability Restaurant”, the AMOT Association not only organizes various activities domestically and implements joint marketing campaigns with Traceability Restaurant, but also raises awareness among the public about the traceability of ingredients sourced from local producers or organic materials. Furthermore, we emphasize the promotion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12.3, "Sustainable Consumption and Production." By using traceable ingredients in Traceability Restaurant, we encourage farmers to gradually abandon traditional farming practices involving the excessive use of pesticides and embrace market demands by transitioning to environmentally friendly practices such as traceable production or organic farming. This enables consumers to enjoy safe, traceable,and ecological ingredients when dining out.

This year, on the Taiwan National Day, the AMOT team was invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to participate in the Global Social Enterprise Forum (SEWF23) in the Netherlands. In addition to showcasing Traceability Restaurant, we were also honored to be selected as a prominent social enterprise from Taiwan. In front of hundreds of international guests, we presented the achievements of AMOT's ten-year efforts in promoting Traceability Restaurant in Taiwan. This allowed international friends to understand the substantial impact of Traceability Restaurant in Taiwan on climate change and ecological sustainability. It also highlighted how the food service industry's implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles is oneof the best sustainable policies.

(02)2713-0186  週一至週五 09:30-18:00
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Agriculture Multi-Discipline Association of Taiwan(簡稱AMOT)